Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award 2020/21

Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award 2020/21

Our students participated in the Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award 2020/21 and showcased their creativity in poetry writing.   Michelle Chen (4D) and Iris Tsui (5E) were awarded the Silver Prize while Dannie Zhu (5D) won the Bronze Prize for The Outstanding Student Poet Awards. Ariel Chu (4D) was given the Honourable Mention and...

F.2-F.5 Admissions

F.2-F.5 Admissions

Heep Yunn School is a girls’ school under the Direct Subsidy Scheme. It is the mission of the School to provide our students with a Christian education that develops the whole person in the following areas: moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual; to instill in our girls a spirit of public service, and to...



在疫情下,不少活動都需要改期或取消,有幸辯論比賽亦仍可以繼續進行。雖然改為網上形式比賽,增添了不少準備的難度,但在協恩中文辯論隊努力不懈、眾志成城下在基本法多面體全港中學生辯論賽中取得佳績,同時獲得粵語組及普通話組冠軍,創造了首支雙冠軍的歷史。 比賽於本月初舉行,普通話組由劉彥彤、黃心璇、溫嘉怡和林倚祈同學代表參賽。辯題為「一帶一路/大灣區為本港青年人帶來更多機遇」,最後以3:2勝出,而結辯林倚祈同學榮獲最佳辯論員。 而粵語組的代表林可欣、蕭嘉昕、李靜嵐以及張欣晴則在「社會秩序的維繫主要是法律/道德」的辯題下以0:5勝出,結辯張欣晴同學亦同時榮獲最佳辯論員。 在此感謝梁校長親臨現場支持同學,亦感謝何冠霖老師、嚴慧儀老師及各位師姐們在這段時間的支持和教導。除此之外,也感謝中辯隊隊員一直以來的努力和付出,期望中辯隊日後能繼續團結,再接再厲,更上一層樓!亦希望疫情儘早結束,讓同學可以恢復多姿多彩的校園生活。  

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