Christian Activities

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Heep Yunn has a strong Christian atmosphere. Over 300 students and 30% of our staff are Christians.

The Christian Activities Committee (CAC) has been established with the aims to promote Christian faith and values, provide spiritual support and pastoral care for the school, organise religious activities for the teachers and the students, conduct prayer meetings for school affairs and the needy, and organise services at Christian festivals or for important occasions.

To promote Christian faith and values among the students, Heep Kwong Tuen, the Christian Fellowship, has also been formed.

Christian Activities Committee

The school shows strong support to the committee as the Supervisor and the Headmistress not only act in the advisory capacity but participate actively in meetings and activities. A minister is sent by the Holy Trinity Church to help with pastoral care in our school.

CAC activities
1 Advisers to the Christian Fellowship
2 Prayer Meetings:

·       Daily Prayer Meetings for students

·       Prayer Meeting for DSE students

·       Prayer Meetings for staff

·       Special Prayer Meetings for the needy members and special events of the school

3 Bible Study Group (led by teachers) / Cell Group (led by senior students)
4 Evangelical Week

·       Different spiritual enrichment programmes were held including video show, song dedication, hymn-             singing, competitions and testimonies.

·       Two-days’ evangelical meetings and four different programmes were designed for F.1 and F.2-6                   respectively.

5 Services:

·       Eucharist for staff and school

·       Easter Service

·       Special Services e.g. Foundation Day

6 Morning Assembly
7 Summer Retreat Camp
8 ·       Joint School Evangelical Activities

·       Joint School Fellowship

·       New believers Gathering

·       Joint School Camp

Christian Fellowship (Heep Kwong Tuen)

Christian Fellowship (Heep Kwong Tuen)

The Christian Fellowship (Heep Kwong Tuen) has over 20 members and under the guidance of the teachers-in-charge and advisers, the group is responsible for organising numerous religious activities for the school during the school year on a regular basis. Though taking up diversified roles as coordinators for worship, prayer, education, publicity and usher, the group serves as one in Christ. The group is obliged to live out the fellowship pledge and song to let their light shine before others, so that people may see their good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven.


Activities of Christian Fellowship

Potential Committee Members’ Vision and Sharing Session / Committee Members’ training

Annual Christian Gathering

Daily Prayer Meetings

Weekly Programmes

Weekly Luncheon Bible Study Group/ Cell Group

Special Programme for Form Six students

Christian Fellowship Committee Retreat Camp

Spiritual Counselors’ Recruitment and Training

Evangelical Week

New believers’ nurturing programme

Joint-School Fellowship/ Camp

Summer Retreat Camp


協 光 團 團 歌

世 代 黑 暗 聖 徒 你 當 遵 主 命

速 興 起    快 發 光

基 督 完 美 生 活 使 人 人 看 見

快 發 光    我 協 光

快 發 光    發 出 基 督 真 光

我 協 光    普 照 四 方

快 發 光    發 出 基 督 真 光

我 協 光    永 遠 輝 煌

協 光 團 團 訓

我 們 的 光 也 當 這 樣 照 在 人 前,

叫 他 們 看 見 我 們 的 好 行 為,

便 將 榮 耀 歸 給 我 們 在 天 上 的 父。