F3 PGP 2324

On 8th January 2024, our Form Three students set off for Guizhou in Mainland China, embarking
on this year’s Personal Growth Programme. Their five-day stay amidst the enchanting rural
landscapes of Guizhou was filled with a host of fun and enriching activities, granting them an
invaluable learning experience and the creation of many cherished memories with their

During their visit, the Form Three students delved into the history and culture of the local ethnic
groups, predominantly the Sui and Miao people. By visiting three schools in the region, our girls
engaged in multiple exchanges with the local students there. These interactions fostered a
deeper understanding of each other’s distinct lifestyles and facilitated a close bonding despite
their differences. The itinerary also included museum tours, cultural performances, and hands-
on traditional handicraft-making sessions, providing our students with ample opportunities to
gain new knowledge outside the conventional classroom setting and to immerse themselves
fully in the minorities’ unique culture.

This brief yet profoundly rewarding trip served as an eye-opening adventure for our Form Three
girls. They experienced the vibrant sights and sounds of Guizhou, along with the priceless
heritage nestled within its rocky mountains and deep valleys. We hope that our students will
fondly remember this eventful journey. It is destined to become a source of inspiration,
encouraging them to embrace new challenges and continue the pursuit of knowledge with