F1 PGP 2324

Starting off the new year in high spirits, our Form One girls were keen to embark on a new
chapter in their lives with their first-ever Personal Growth Programme. This initiative included a
two-day visit to the Jockey Club Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp in the New Territories, followed
by a half-day programme held at school; all filled with merriment and exuberance.

At the camp, the Form One girls participated in a host of fun activities designed to unleash their
full potential. A standout moment was the educational activity where they had to construct
Roman catapults from raw materials like bamboo sticks and cords. Once their devices were
operational, they engaged in a spirited water fight. The process of designing the catapults and
strategising for the water fight perfectly showcased the girls’ creativity and strategic thinking.
Moreover, engaging in rock climbing and abseiling highlighted their physical coordination and
remarkable courage.

The programme concluded with a heartfelt sharing session, where they reflected on their
experiences and the insights gained over the two days at the camp. This Personal Growth
Programme signifies the start of a six-year journey at Heep Yunn, promising a journey full of
learning and the development of lasting friendships.