中一入學申請 Application for Form One


1. 取得申請表

申請日期:2017年10月30日 – 2017年11月11日


a. 網上下載 (*請於下載前清除瀏覽器內已緩存的圖像和文件,以確保下載檔案為最新版本。)

b. 到校務處領取(內容與下載版本相同)



2. 遞交申請表

申請截止日期:2017年11月11日 中午12時


1.填妥之申請表 (FORM A)(連同相片乙張)
2.填妥之個人聲明表 (FORM B上半部份)(連同香港身份證影印本)
3.填妥之面試證 (FORM B 下半部份)(連同相片乙張)。考生參加第一次面試時,.須攜帶面試證(FORM B 下半部份)。
4.運動項目資料表(FORM C) 及 音樂活動資料表(FORM D) (如適用)
7.個人簡歷(包括申請表(FORM A) E部所要求的文件在內,總頁數不多於8頁單面A4紙或4張雙面A4紙,惟第6點所述的成績報告書影印本不計算在8頁紙之內。)

3. 面試程序


4. 學費減免計劃及獎學金


Application for Form One

1. Collection of Application Form:

Application Period: 30 October 2017 to 11 November 2017

To collect the application form, you may either —

a. download from this page during the application period

Office Hours:
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)
9:00 a.m. – 12 noon (Saturday)
Closed on Public Holidays

2. Submission of Application Form:
Application deadline : 12:00 noon, 11 November 2017

Please submit the following to the school office IN PERSON:

  1. Application Form (FORM A), completed and affixed with 1 photograph
  2. The Declaration (found at the upper part of FORM B), completed and affixed with a photocopy of the Applicant’s Hong Kong ID card.
  3. Identification Form for Interview (found at the lower part of FORM B), completed and affixed with 1 photograph. (The Identification Form for Interview will be used for admittance to the first interview.)
  4. A completed Sports Activities Form (FORM C) and Musical Activities Form (FORM D) (Both optional)
  5. Photocopy of Birth Certificate
  6. Photocopies of P.4, P.5 and P.6 report cards (P.6 report cards, when they become available, should be submitted to the school by mail, quoting the Applicant’s Form No. for reference.)
  7. Applicant’s Portfolio (No more than 8 single-sided A4 or 4 double-sided A4 pages – excluding the report cards mentioned in point 6 above, but inclusive of the supporting documents of Part E of the Application Form (FORM A))
  8. Two stamped self-addressed envelopes, with the Applicant’s English full name clearly marked on each.
  9. Entrance Examination Fee ($50) in cash or cheque (made payable to “HEEP YUNN SCHOOL”)

3. Selection Procedures

Please refer to the Application Guidelines.

4. Fee Remission Scheme and Scholarships

For more information, please visit the links below:

Please refer to the School Prospectus and its enclosures for more information about the school.